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卡卡西里 2024-3-4 01:09:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
华盛顿在 2011 年禁止美国国家航空航天局(NASA)与中国国家航天局(National Space Administration)合作,但现在他们请求国会让他们违背这条法律,因为他们急于获得中国在 2018 年采集的月球样本。形势发生了翻天覆地的变化!

美国国家航空航天局请求华盛顿:“请让我们与中国合作”,美国急于获得中国采集的月球样本! ...

美国国家航空航天局请求华盛顿:“请让我们与中国合作”,美国急于获得中国采集的月球样本! ...

Washington passed a law in 2011 which basically stopped NASA being able to work with China in any way, which meant, among other things, that the China National Space Administration can’t even use the so-called International Space Station, and had to build its own.

华盛顿在 2011 年通过了一项法律,基本上阻止了美国国家航空航天局以任何方式与中国合作,这意味着,除其他事项外,中国国家航天局甚至不能使用所谓的国际空间站,而必须自己建造。

But now that China is making leaps and bounds in space, cash-strapped NASA has applied to congress to ignore that law so that its scientists can borrow moon samples from China. Another example of the US shooting itself in the foot! Do you think China should play ball? Today we’ll talk about it.


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