耐克是如何在一天之内损失 270 亿美元的?

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卡卡西里 2024-9-7 17:00:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
耐克失败了:在过去的一年里,阿迪达斯的股价上涨了 19%,而耐克的股价却下跌了 21%!2023 年第一季度,阿迪达斯的存货为 60 亿美元,而在同一季度,耐克的存货为 89 亿美元!因此,耐克的库存中有 97 亿美元未售出的存货!因此,销售额下降,库存高企,股价下跌!而这一切都是因为耐克犯了一个大错!这个错误被称为直接面向消费者战略!或者说 DTC!

耐克是如何在一天之内损失 270 亿美元的?

耐克是如何在一天之内损失 270 亿美元的?

Nike made some of the worst visually appealing football jerseys this season. On the other hand Adidas has made good jerseys for winning clubs/country like Real Madrid, & Spain. Also Indian cricket team which won World Cup. Going deep into tournaments & winning finals mean more eyes on the particular team’s jerseys.


Making an appealing jersey won't win the contract. Anyway the funniest comment. Good luck


Nah that's not the only reason, Shoe resellers have ruined them, they are the real culprits, plus their good shoes are getting costlier out of average people's reach. Plus the raise of other affordable brands has really hit them hard.


slightly disagree. competition is becoming tougher. On Running, Li-ning, Peak, Asics and even Puma are targeting premiere customers.


I think another big reason was moving production to China, and not safeguarding their design like Apple. So many knockoffs surfaced from Chinese producers. With the DTC set up, the accessibility to consumers become reduced and it took the product away from average consumer. Its product design also appear flimsy awful.

我认为另一个重要原因是将生产转移到了中国,而没有像苹果那样保护自己的设计。因此,中国生产商的山寨产品层出不穷。随着 DTC 的设立,消费者的可及性降低,产品远离了普通消费者。其产品设计也显得脆弱不堪。

Nike's downfall is due to the poor durability of their shoes. Plus they increases the prices so high while make customers wait in queue at shop or login to one of their website late at night for their so called "Limited drops". Also the mentally deranged sneakerheads who collect shoes didn't help.

耐克的衰落是因为其鞋子的耐用性太差。此外,他们把价格抬得很高,让顾客在商店排队等候,或在深夜登录他们的网站,等待所谓的 “限量发售”。此外,那些精神错乱的球鞋收藏者也帮了倒忙。

Yup none of my shoes from Nike were durable. In fact I found them to be a bit uncomfortable too. While my Asics and New Balance are not only durable but comfortable as well.

是的,我的耐克鞋都不耐用。事实上,我发现他们也有点不舒服。而我的Asics和New Balance不仅耐用而且舒适。

I think the decline has also to do with increasing competition with new brands offering amazing designs at lower price. Then there is the rise of Pop culture. Nike was always about athletes. You don't see them promoting celebrities other than athletes. While this is commendable to stay true to yourself, it's also important to acknowledge that there is a shift in consumer preferences and it's important to have a sub-brand to address that gap.


One more major benefit of D2C is eliminating the risk of buying fake products. Imagine spending 100s of dollars on a pair of shoe you bought from some store or online website like amazon, only to later realize it was fake, badly damages the brand reputation.


So i think even if this hits their business, although there are many other reasons for this too. In the long run D2C will help keep their brand image strong and exclusive which will make them a more stable business.

因此,我认为即使这打击了他们的生意,虽然也有许多其他原因。从长远来看,D2C 将有助于保持其强大而独特的品牌形象,从而使其业务更加稳定。

love all your videos. this as well.. as a business perspective.. but as a sneaker head I'll tell you  3 more things happened due to which there is a fall in nike sales..
1)nike sneakers mostly air Jordans were not living up to the hype as there were no brand new ideas and stories rather they were re-releasing the older designs which were limited pairs before.. so the supply raised and demand fell.

1)耐克运动鞋(主要是 Air Jordans)没有达到炒作的效果,因为没有全新的创意和故事,而是重新推出以前限量发售的旧款设计。

2)other sneaker companies are giving tough competition like Adidas originals ,new balance etc.. and people are now opting for them.. nike was more about aspirational products and exclusivity which had them sell out everything in seconds.


3) JORDANS as a brand is now falling off and new entrants like travis Scott and more have not lived up to the hype of air Jordans. more rookie basketball players have joined Adidas. Adidas is heavily investing into the marketing and its giving nike a tough competition.. nike was a athelete's thing before and they marketed like that but now things have changed.

3)JORDANS 作为一个品牌正在衰落,像 travis Scott 等新进入者并没有达到 Air Jordans 的宣传效果。阿迪达斯在营销方面投入巨资,给耐克带来了激烈的竞争。耐克以前是运动员的天下,他们也是这样营销的,但现在情况发生了变化。

True. Also, Adidas is now way ahead in performance to price ratio compared to nike in every price range.


Nike raised prices like crazy, retailers would generally offer discounts, Nike doesn't do it that way..I have bought over 5-6 pairs of nike a year during the covid times, but since last year I have bought about 3 only..

耐克疯狂涨价,零售商一般会提供折扣,但耐克不会这样做。在新冠疫情时期,我每年都要买 5-6 双耐克,但从去年开始,我只买了 3 双左右。

It's quite amazing to see the doom and gloom stories of Nike being finished and it's the end of them. They're still the largest sportswear and shoe company worldwide.


Its just shoes.....yet people buy it like its gold


I stay in USA and can see Skechers taking lot of Nike market. Nike has very few and same old boring designs.


one more thing is the shift of nike's brand image, ive seen people in social media talk about the streetwear trend ruining their design and comfort and people hate it. Some believe it no longer connects with people through storytelling. Not to forget some hideous designs they have been selling.


There's also a fact that since Nike is not available on any shoe wholesaler/retailer, Nike has to spend more on marketing so that people know about it's app and buy from there or from its stores.


Also by keeping higher prices on its website and stores, Nike wanted to position itself as a premium brand, but if people wanted to buy premium running shoes, they would definitely choose Under Armour over Nike. The only premium quality shoes that Nike actually has is the Jordans. And they too are only premium because of the look, hype and marketing.


The fact that Indian D2C brands are also facing such cyclical headwinds signify that retail/ brick and mortar will always remain the king. No matter how big or small the brand, you cannot give up with brick and mortar. Many Indian D2C brands and legacy brands are ramping up their brick and mortar stores and also converting them to experience stores.

印度的 D2C 品牌也面临着这样的周期性逆风,这表明零售/实体店永远是王道。无论品牌大小,都不能放弃实体店。许多印度 D2C 品牌和传统品牌都在加强其实体店的建设,并将其转变为体验店。

Not just a strategy, but Nike actually had exceptional quality product. I guess that didn’t matter much anymore as the competition caught up.


Due to the pandemic, the situation of the businesses in all the markets has become very fragile and with of concept D to C, it breaks all the supply chain even the structure of economy


For some D2C products "Try and Buy" works better. Shoes is one the category. Therefore, for some D2C brands offline is not a choice - but a must.

对于某些 D2C(直接面向消费者)产品,“先试后买”的效果更好。鞋类就是其中一类。因此,对于某些 D2C 品牌来说,线下不是选择,而是必须。

Went to a Nike store in Los Angeles few months ago. Dude the queue was more than a mile long and people still waited and bought Nike. So yes they might have got a setback but the brand still has a superior demand compared to any other brand.


The most important point here is “Specialization”. Even with billions in pocket it is not necessary one can do anything and everything. What Nike could have done is partnered with Wholesalers and first learn how to sell D2C.

这里最重要的一点是 “专业化”。即使口袋里有数十亿美元,也不一定什么都能做,什么都能做。耐克可以做的是与批发商合作,首先学习如何进行 D2C 销售。

India is also seeing a rise in local home-grown sneaker brands with comet, yoho etc.

印度的本土运动鞋品牌也在崛起,如 comet、yoho 等。

The arguement points are fair but one major bias point was not discussed was in a wholesale model the supplier has to extend some form of credit to the wholesaler/customer. As in all american firms there is always a risk of the customer going bust. But in a direct to consumer model its either goods on my premises or cash in my account. Probably nike has to find the equilibrium point of both.


I guess what happened here is that when nike shoe is in the retailer shop people compare nike with other brand as a result end up buying the shoes but if there is only nike and no other brand to compare then it create a void in the consumer's mind and as a result consumer end up not buying.


That is why there is always a pepsi and coke vending machine next to each other so people end up buying one of them, because if there is one brand consumer will think of buying or not buy if there is one other brand people think of which was one to buy


I have jordons and I bought them from a store that sold Nike, Adidas, Puma etc. Nike overestimated their popularity. I have Adidas shoes as well they are also good looking. Also why would I go to a Nike exclusive store if I also like other brands. This was bound to happen. I like Nike but I am not crazy to wear Nike from top to bottom.


Nike in recent times have failed to capture the hearts of people as they used to Their marketing campaigns during olympics or euros and world cup used to be commendable and talked about everywhere. Its missing now Hardly saw any olympic campaign this year and even euros did not hear.


One reason for the recent decline in stock price is the weaker outlook and guidance. The company forecasted a 10% decline in their revenue generation in recent earning. According to other analysts' revenue forecasts for 2025, the company is set to see a decline in their revenue generation, but in the long run, the company can have a recovery in its earnings.

近期股价下跌的原因之一是公司的前景和指导性意见较弱。该公司在最近的财报中预测其创收将下降 10%。根据其他分析师对 2025 年的收入预测,该公司的创收将出现下降,但从长远来看,该公司的盈利会出现复苏。

Another theory of increase in inventory could be the quality of Nike shoes have gone better so less wear and tear, or the roads have gone better due to the fact that Nike's stores are situated in well paved roads, so less wear and tear.


We used to go bonkers for nike shoes but when a friend of mine bought nike cricket shoes worth rupees 4800 in 2015 it only lasted for about 6 months. It was comfortable, light weight and agile but soon its bottom part broke. Slowly slowly the grace and the durability of the shoes vanished. That's when we all switched to Puma which is affordable, durable, comfortable and stylish.

我们曾为耐克鞋而疯狂,但我的一位朋友在 2015 年买了价值 4800 卢比的耐克板球鞋,但只穿了大约 6 个月。它舒适、轻便、灵活,但很快底部就坏了。慢慢地,这双鞋的优雅和耐用性慢慢消失了。就在那时,我们都改穿价格实惠、经久耐用、舒适时尚的彪马鞋了。
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