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卡卡西里 2024-9-8 16:30:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
澳大利亚没有国内汽车制造商产业,因此也就没有汽车制造商需要保护,以抵御外国竞争。直到最近,澳大利亚汽车市场一直被日本、泰国、韩国、德国和美国的品牌所占据。但中国车型已从 2016 年的几乎为零,上升到去年的第三位。分析师预计,中国汽车在澳大利亚的销量将在今年年底超过泰国,并在 2026 年从日本手中夺走头把交椅。

中国汽车正在占领澳大利亚,这就是为什么我们的传统汽车制造商推动关税和禁令的原因! ...

中国汽车正在占领澳大利亚,这就是为什么我们的传统汽车制造商推动关税和禁令的原因! ...

Legacy carmakers look at the Australian market as a harbinger of things to come, for any country that does not specifically target Chinese-built cars with tariffs and import bans.  


But there are far more countries similar to Australia with respect to their macroeconomic and trade profiles, compared to those of North America or Europe.  China's manufacturing is increasingly dominating global exports, competing on quality as well as price, against high-cost producers in the developed world whose supply chains must run through China.


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