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卡卡西里 2024-2-23 12:00:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
前银行家、法国总统埃曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)警告说,“我们生活在一个看似富足的时代的尽头。”西方的战争和制裁正在国内卷土重来。资本主义的新自由主义阶段正在崩溃。



Neoliberalism has lost the key pillars it was built on: cheap energy and raw materials from Russia, cheap labor and consumer goods from China, an unsustainable bubble of household debt, low to zero interest rates, and Washington's ability to organize regime-change operations in any country where a government tried a socialistic or state-led economic model.


As Ariel Durant (1898-1981) wrote, about the collapse of the Roman Empire, 'a great civilization is not conquered from without until has destroyed itself within'. Another outstanding journalistic analysis.

正如阿里尔-杜兰特(Ariel Durant,1898-1981)在谈到罗马帝国的崩溃时写道:"一个伟大的文明在内部自我毁灭之前,不会从外部被征服"。

Amadeo Komnenus
''The West, led by the Americans (US oligarchs) believe they've been entrusted by God to decide the fate of other people. the US prefers not to be guided by International Law but by the rule of the gun. They have come to believe in their own exceptionalism, believing that they can decide the destinies of the world and that only they can ever be right" -Putin


Jose Lopez
Brilliant explanation of how the war in Ukraine has accelerated the collapse of the pillars supporting neoliberalism. The pillars are: 1. Cheap Russian energy, 2. Cheap consumer goods from Asia,  3. Large debts in the west, and 4. Low interest rates. After the collapse of the United Socialist Soviet Republic, the United States (US) and her allies (west) felt that they could now ignore the 99% of their people without the risk of a revolution. That was the birth of neoliberalism. The west, against international law, sanctions today about 40% of the world’s population, with the excuse that they are not supposedly “democracies”. Yet, the US, right now, is stealing Syria’s energy. That’s the US’ definition of democracy! And that is why the US has earned the reputation of being the biggest threat to peace, with her 800 military bases around the world! The fact that the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer means that capitalism promotes a class war. The fact that the working class need unions to protect them means that capitalism promotes a class war. The fact that unions are not needed in a socialist economy, means that socialism works for the 100% of its people. The oligarchs refuse to give up their anti-democratic capitalism. The people must decide whether they will fight the oligarchs to install a real democracy! Neoliberalism enslaves the 99%Wake up and emancipate yourself!

乌克兰战争如何加速了支持新自由主义的支柱的崩溃的解释:这些支柱是 1.廉价的俄罗斯能源,2.来自亚洲的廉价消费品,3.西方的大量债务,以及4.低利率。联合社会主义苏维埃共和国解体后,美国(US)和她的盟友(西方)觉得他们现在可以无视99%的人民,而没有革命的风险。这就是新自由主义的诞生。西方违反国际法,今天制裁了世界上约40%的人口,借口是他们不是所谓的 "民主国家"。然而,美国现在正在窃取叙利亚的能源。这就是美国对民主的定义! 这就是为什么美国赢得了对和平最大威胁的美誉,她在世界各地有800个军事基地!这就是美国的民主。富者愈富,贫者愈贫的事实意味着资本主义促进了阶级斗争。工人阶级需要工会来保护他们的事实意味着资本主义促进阶级战争。在社会主义经济中不需要工会的事实,意味着社会主义对其100%的人都有效。寡头们拒绝放弃他们反民主的资本主义。人民必须决定他们是否要与寡头斗争,以建立一个真正的民主! 新自由主义奴役了99%的人醒醒吧,解放自己吧!

Nick Hondros
Well it wasn't exactly free market
Example... Bail outs of banks by the people during GFC
It's better known as fascism
The merger of state and corporate Powers
And the empire is the British Empire in the form of wall street and city of London international financiers

例如... 全球金融危机期间人民对银行的救助

Noel Borbon
With regards to China, it is not just consumer goods that are produced, but also industrial products like industrial machinery and equipment, testing equipment, ships, medical devices, active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) for drugs and vaccines, turbines, solar panels, batteries, power generating equipment, cars, trains and engines.
Plus new records in stock market initial public offerings (IPOs), foreign investments and capital expenditures


Cat Daddy
The neoliberal economy in Europe ran on cheap Russian gas and cheap Chinese labour.


paap narf ZK
the quantitative easing scheme, which almost even ended in the infamous "helicopter money", wasnt working out that weell, because of the fact that the money the fed/ezb etc spent didnt even  reach the society parts who could ahve need it the msot and it would have BOOSTED the whole system. but EVEN THAT, the richest elite decided to even PLUNDER THAT SOURCE to the last cent. in europe it was the greek example. not a single nickel went down to the desparately masses, which are part of consumer and small markets, and therefor the holy grail of free market.

量化宽松计划,甚至以臭名昭著的 "直升机撒钱"而告终,但效果并不理想,因为美联储/欧洲央行等所花的钱甚至没有到达社会最需要它的部分,而这将推动整个系统的发展。但即便如此,最富有的精英们还是决定把这些钱洗劫一空。在欧洲,这就是希腊的例子。没有一个镍币落到急需的大众手中,而大众是消费者和小市场的一部分,因此是自由市场的圣杯。

Dried Brainfreeze
If you have ever seen the caste system of Bangkok, walled, guarded affluent subdivisions, with the majority living in squalor, thats the future


Jon Lei
Inequality is only greater than that of the French Revolution. In the United States the top 1 percent only owns a third of all goods and property. Maybe if the bottom 50% would get off their backs and say your foot can no longer go up on my neck and they would own more than 2.6% of the wealth in this nation.


The american 'people' are responsable for US policies. Nobody else.
And they should bare the consequences of those policies. Nobody else.

美国 "人民"要对美国的政策负责,没有其他人。

Maria Robles
USA citizen are living in their cars‼️ because of the rich .

美国公民都住在他们的汽车里‼️因为富人 ..

honesty_ 2022
In China big cities pay money to develop poor villages in the countryside.


Noel Chambers
neoliberal age is over? wanna bet?

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