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卡卡西里 2024-8-19 16:10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
墨西哥已迅速成为中国汽车制造商的主要市场。去年,中国是墨西哥的主要汽车供应商,出口了价值 46 亿美元的汽车。一些中国电动汽车制造商,包括特斯拉的竞争对手比亚迪,一直在寻找在北美的进一步立足点,在墨西哥杜兰戈州、哈利斯科州和新莱昂州勘探厂址。



For Mexico, the foreign investment is an economic boost and some local governments have offered incentives to Chinese companies exploring factory options. But U.S. officials worry this could be a part of a larger strategy from Chinese auto makers to skirt trade restrictions and enter the American market.


Experts say this leaves Mexico in a difficult position of maintaining its crucial relationship with the U.S. without being overly friendly to Chinese investment. Now at the center of a trade war between two major powers, how has Mexico quietly become a hot spot for Chinese EV companies and will the country become a “backdoor” for these cars to drive into the U.S.?

专家们说,这使得墨西哥陷入困境,既要保持与美国的重要关系,又不能对中国投资过于友好。现在,墨西哥正处于两个大国贸易战的中心,它是如何悄然成为中国电动汽车公司的热土,又是否会成为这些汽车驶入美国的 “后门”?

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