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卡卡西里 2024-3-4 18:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

孙卫东--在美国纽约无家可归的华裔物理博士研究员,他的故事在中国引起了广泛关注! ...

孙卫东--在美国纽约无家可归的华裔物理博士研究员,他的故事在中国引起了广泛关注! ...

Reports show that the man, Sun Weidong, was admitted to Fudan University's physics department at the age of 16. After he graduated, he went to the US for further studies through a scholarship via the China-US Physics Examination and Application program. Sun acquired not only master's and doctoral degrees in the US, but he also became a US citizen. He said that he had worked as a post-doctoral researcher for two years and then a software engineer at a Wall Street company for another two years with an annual pay of around $130,000. In 2007, he became homeless and moved to Brooklyn, sleeping in internet cafes and then on the streets.

报道显示,该男子名叫孙卫东,16岁考入复旦大学物理系,毕业后通过中美物理考试申请项目奖学金赴美深造。 孙不仅在美国获得了硕士和博士学位,而且还加入了美国公民。他说,他在一家华尔街公司做了两年博士后研究员,然后又做了两年软件工程师,年薪在13万美元左右。2007年,他无家可归,搬到布鲁克林,先睡在网吧,后又露宿街头。

The Fudan Alumni Association of USA in New York posted a statement on WeChat Saturday, confirming Sun is a Fudan graduate, and members of the association, as well as people from Sun's hometown, Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, visited him, and helped him move into temporary accommodation.


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