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卡卡西里 2024-3-2 21:39:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
戴尔宣布,计划到 2024 年完全淘汰中国芯片,到 2025 年将一半产能迁出中国,到 2027 年完全脱离中国供应链。 这一决定引发了中国消费者的强烈不满,许多人表示不再考虑购买戴尔的产品。



Unfortunately for Dell, the process of "de-Dell-ization" had already begun in the Chinese market before their decoupling plan could take effect. As a result, Dell's shipment volumes and market share in China have been halved, and its revenue has plummeted by 63.5 billion yuan. Chinese companies like Huawei have capitalized on Dell's decline, with Huawei surpassing Dell in market share and reclaiming a top-three position in the domestic market.

不幸的是,戴尔的 "脱钩"计划还未生效,中国市场的 "去戴尔化"进程就已经开始了。结果,戴尔在中国市场的出货量和市场份额减少了一半,收入锐减了635亿元。华为等中国公司抓住了戴尔衰落的机会,华为的市场份额超过了戴尔,夺回了国内市场前三名的位置。

Dell now faces the challenge of trying to regain its lost market share in China. However, the decline in revenue has put them in a difficult position, and it seems too late for them to reverse their decision. The accumulated market share they once enjoyed in China has been quickly taken over by Chinese competitors, leaving Dell with significant troubles to overcome.


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