第一共和银行倒闭了, 美国银行业危机会结束吗?

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卡卡西里 2024-2-28 14:57:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
位于美国的第一共和银行已经倒闭。据联邦存款保险公司称,第一共和银行已成为近几个月来第三家倒闭的银行,摩根大通将承担其所有资产。根据协议,在联邦存款保险公司 (FDIC) 确认陷入困境的银行周一倒闭后,摩根大通将接管“第一共和国银行的所有存款和几乎所有资产”。

第一共和银行倒闭了, 美国银行业危机会结束吗?

第一共和银行倒闭了, 美国银行业危机会结束吗?

Let's see.... the question is (paraphrasing here) Do the people still trust the private company that prints their money and decides all their monetary decisions? My answer is that it doesn't matter, because the people do not matter. It will ALWAYS get worse until you stand up, and since you won't it wll never change.


The US government printed trillions of dollars out of thin air during the covid pandemic to pump up the US economy, and as a direct consequent the inflation went up. To curb the ever rising inflation the Federal Reserve raised the interest rates to absorb the massive excess liquidity, and banks who bought lots of long term low interest Treasury bonds found themselves in trouble when the Fed raised interest rates drastically.


Inflation, coupled with foreign governments unloading their USD reserves, will force the Fed not to lower the interest anytime soon, and many banks with substantial Treasury bonds are having trillions of unrealised losses. More banks will go belly up.


This is only the beginning. For now the 10 largest banks will take turns buying out regional banks and mid sized banks. The real collapse will start when one of the 10 largest banks goes down. Behind the scenes are massive losses in commercial real estate with many malls and commercial properties having 50% or less occupancy.  


And most of the 10 largest banks have a good deal of exposure to commercial real estate including JP Morgan. Many of us in America have bought large amounts of gold and silver and alternative investments like sports trading cards in advance of a possible bad recession. Good luck to the people of India


Dr Sunday
When your economy is built on debt and excessive printing of money with the hope that other countries will come and save you by buying your debt and depositing their foreign reserves in US treasury. What happens when US starts seizing countries foreign reserves and assets? Other Countries will run away.

当你的经济建立在债务和过度印钞的基础上,希望其他国家会通过购买你的债务和将他们的外汇储备存入美国国库来拯救你。当美国开始扣押各国的外汇储备和资产时会发生什么? 其他国家会跑掉。

Dan Harold
What would be really nice if the Chinese people lost trust in the US and sold the assets they hold in the US.The exact number is unknown as Chinese people use shell companies, Estimates are $1 to $2 Trillion.


Jd Caldwell
Take the money out and bury it in your BACK YARD? But don’t forget where you BURY IT ? Can not be any worse having it a Bank right now!


Britt Albach
does it have to do with the dedollarization that is going on now with Russia, China etc. ?


How normal bank cash flows: Central Banks >>> Bank 1 >>> Person/companies
How US bank cash flows Central Bank >>> Bank 1 >>> Bank 2 >>> Bank 3 >>> Bank 1 >>> Bank 3 >>> Bank 4 >>> Bank 3 >>> Person/companies

银行现金如何正常流动: 中央银行>>银行1>>个人/公司
美国银行现金如何流动: 中央银行>>银行1>>银行2>>银行3>>银行1>>银行3>>银行4>>银行3>>个人/公司

Talk the Talk
One day if China decides to only accept USA paying with Chinese money, not USD, to the goods they import from China, devaluation of US dollars and inflation in US market would speed overnight. When that happens, other countries would follow immediately as well because it would take yrs for US to get alternative suppliers but US still have to pay much higher price because devaluation of dollars. US dollar would go down hills like roller coaster and lose its superior position faster than you think.


On the other hand, China is the biggest single consumer market on the earth which every country including USA wants to have a share with. Americans would have to work much harder and very likely live much lower quality lives from then on. Considering the widespread drug uses and transgenderism and other bullshit going on and on in this country, I doubt American workers can work as hard and efficiently as Chinese workers.


Just look at how long it takes to fix and repair a short leg of road by American workers you would have a good sense on what I'm talking about. Americans have been enjoying good life for too long and it would be hard for them going back to what used to be. Look in streets of cities, how many people, either black or white, are wondering in streets waiting for chances to rob or shoot, selling or buying drugs. Are you still that confident with what you believed to be?


Arjun Rathore
This is not over, just started.Commercial real estate is next in line. Banks are heavily invested in bad loans in commercial real estate. Auto loans are also souring.


Mark Ferguson
I think it was quite plain to see that this was coming and I think its just the beginning. It is not possible to keep printing money and not expect fall outs somewhere, hence why we see other countries looking for alternative trading currencies to the dollar.


Patrik Dufresne
Printing money is not the issue. The issue is the the US Banking system it's too fragile and they have to much liberty. You will never see a Canadian bank crashing and we are next to the US living almost the same economic realty.


Dan Harold
Canadian banks have faced financial difficulties and have required government intervention and support in the past. For example, during the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the Canadian government provided support to several banks, including the Bank of Montreal, CIBC, Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank, and TD Bank, to help stabilize the financial system.


Without government support, these banks may have been unable to meet their financial obligations and faced bankruptcy.


Robert Chavez
It’s getting much worse. JP Morgan bought up valuable assets for pennies on the dollar and the bad commercial loan assets were bought only after guarantees by the FDIC to “Risk Share” these bad loans leaving the US Tax Payers on the hook again for bad bank assets. There’s only 130 billion dollars in the FDIC to insure 17 trillion dollars in US banks. Do the math and the US FDIC and banking system is now insolvent.


The will soon be a time where the bigger banks can no longer afford to absorb failing banks...


code CE172-AK
Ray Dalio says another 180+ banks will fail in 3 months. Only a dozen will survive. Not sure if he is right, but the crisis just starts moving


Zubair Ahmad
Federal Reserve Bank has plans that all American banks will be made to close and only 4 or 5 big banks "Too Big To Fail Banks" will be kept open because big businesses don't want competition in American Capitalist System Of Economy. So much so for Free Market Economy. That's the end game of the Fedesal Reserve Bank. Don't forget to remember that "I Told You So".

联邦储备银行计划让所有美国银行关闭,只有4、5家 "大而能不倒"的大银行将保持营业,因为大企业不希望在美国资本主义经济体系中存在竞争,自由市场经济也是如此,这就是联邦储备银行的最终游戏。不要忘了记住 "我告诉过你"这句话。

Jayesh Sadhnani
America must learn banking system from India under Great Leadership of PM MODIJI.


Dan Harold
The banks were going to far.They should never have failed with a 5% fed rate.The Fed is using the higher interest rate to ensure we do not get into hyperinflation.    Exactly as they should. 5% is a rather normal rate. Less than that and why save money. Much more and people can't afford loans. We have been spoiled with 2% rates.


The empire is bursting and no solution is seen available to prevent it.


Tamil Selvan
It's just the beginning. Citi is on the queue.


BRICS is looking good now that’s why I keep my money under my mattress


Maurice L
Didnt Americans like Gordon Chang and Peter Zeihan predicted the collapse of China?. Look whose banks are collapsing now!!lol


Peter Lim
Let them collapse, they're thieves anyway!


Алексей Терновой
Time to learn for usa how some African countries handle with inflation 1000 % per day.


India should get all it's reserved converted to gold..


twelve disciples
Not only bank even the country is about to collapse

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