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卡卡西里 2024-2-28 14:34:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



When the Han dynasty of ancient China rose to power, they ended up expanding out into the Tarim Basin of central asia. From here they would send multiple delegations to explore the west. Most of their missions dealt with the Persian Empire but a few missions were sent to reach distant Da Qin or the Roman Empire. Over the years we hear of numerous delegations being exchanged between ancient Rome and China but it is never clear whether these are official diplomatic missions or simply private trade missions. Later the Han would fall into decline while the Roman Empire would be reduced to the far smaller Byzantine Empire. Trade would still continue but the window for ancient Rome and China to interact officially closed.

当中国古代的汉朝崛起时,他们最终扩展到中亚的塔里木盆地。他们将从这里派出多个代表团去探索西部。他们的大部分任务都与波斯帝国有关,但也有少数任务被派往遥远的大秦或罗马帝国。多年来,我们听说过许多代表团在古罗马和中国之间交换过,但从来不清楚这些是官方外交使团还是仅仅是私人贸易使团。后来汉国衰落,而罗马帝国则沦为规模小得多的拜占庭帝国。 贸易仍将继续,但古罗马与中国互动的窗口正式关闭。

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