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卡卡西里 2024-2-21 09:31:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Hasan Matloob
The Indo-China war of 1962 was directly responsible for Indo-Pakistan war of 1965. Because India's dismal performance in 1962 made Pakistani military High Command very confident that they can take on India in Kashmir. And Hence they started operation Gibraltar in 65. However, their assessments proved to be incorrect.


Q: Why did China invade India in 1962?
A: Britain.


Irsan Olii
India: "Hey we need help."
West: "No."
India: * moves closer to USSR *
West: * shocked Pikachu face *

印度:*向苏联靠拢 *

Suvigya Mishra
90% of the conflicts around the world :
1. Bri'ishers drew a line, without any regards of the natives!
2. Natives refused

1. 英国人划定了一条线,完全不顾当地人的感受。
2. 原住民拒绝

Cassandra Moto
The reason is simple, all conflicts between China and India was caused by Great Britain. British tend to adopt a balanced tactic through out of world. After the renaissance, they started to united witch second power in Europe which was continuous even today. For other continents they have created quantities of territorial conflicts and played a role as coordinated to balance powers.


pokefan 1000
The Sino-Indian War between China and India occurred in October–November 1962. A disputed Himalayan border was the main cause of the war. India initiated a defensive Forward Policy from 1960 to hinder Chinese military patrols and logistics, in which it placed outposts along the border, including several north of the McMahon Line, the eastern portion of the Line of Actual Control proclaimed by Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1959.

中国和印度之间的中印战争发生于1962年10月至11月。喜马拉雅山脉有争议的边界是这场战争的主要原因。印度从1960年开始实行防御性的 "前进政策",以阻碍中国的军事巡逻和后勤保障,在边界沿线设置前哨,其中包括中国总理周恩来在1959年宣布的实际控制线东部的麦克马洪线以北的几个据点。

Chinese military action grew increasingly aggressive after India rejected proposed Chinese diplomatic settlements throughout 1960–1962, with China re-commencing previously-banned "forward patrols" in Ladakh from 30 April 1962. China finally abandoned all attempts of peaceful resolution on 20 October 1962, invading disputed territory along the 3,225 kilometres (2,004 mi) long Himalayan border in Ladakh and across the McMahon Line. Chinese troops pushed back Indian forces in both theatres, capturing Rezang La in Chushul in the western theatre, as well as Tawang in the eastern theatre. The war ended when China declared a ceasefire on 20 November 1962, and simultaneously announced its withdrawal to its claimed "Line of Actual Control".

在1960-1962年期间,印度拒绝了中国提出的外交解决方案后,中国的军事行动越来越咄咄逼人,从1962年4月30日起,中国在拉达克重新开始了之前被禁止的 "前沿巡逻"。 1962年10月20日,中国终于放弃了所有和平解决的尝试,沿着拉达克3,225公里(2,004英里)长的喜马拉雅边境和麦克马洪线入侵了有争议的领土。 中国军队在两个战场上都击退了印度军队,在西部战场上占领了热藏拉山口,在东部战场上占领了达旺。1962年11月20日,中国宣布停火,并同时宣布撤至其声称的 "实际控制线",战争就此结束。

Much of the fighting took place in harsh mountain conditions, entailing large-scale combat at altitudes of over 4,000 metres (14,000 feet).The Sino-Indian War was also notable for the lack of deployment of naval and aerial assets by either China or India.
As the Sino-Soviet split heated up, Moscow made a major effort to support India, especially with the sale of advanced MiG fighter-aircraft. The United States and Britain refused to sell advanced weaponry to India, causing it to turn to the Soviet Union

大部分战斗是在恶劣的山区条件下进行的,需要在超过4000米(14000英尺)的高空进行大规模战斗。 中印战争还因中国或印度没有部署海军和航空资产而引人注目。

My Grandmother’s Uncle was a soldier in 1962 war. Soviets did supply India with some advanced weaponry and at that time there was no time to train the Indian soldiers so Soviet troops covered their faces with camouflage and joined in with Indian soldiers on the frontline.


The land is called "Aksai Chin" And it is a barren mountainous land. Once then Indian PM(Nehru) said that in Parliament "Not even a single crop is grown on that land, it is useless" Then another lawmaker said "there is not even a single grown hair on my head, so should I give it to someone else?"


Shyam Chabra
I remember the National Defence Fund taken up in our school and most other places in India at the time. This was due to the fact that the Army budget had been ripped off by corrupt politicians in Delhi and the poor Jawans had no warm clothes or equipment. Indian Army was  still using bolt action rifles! India got a good kicking which resulted in the death of Nehru. If it were not for US intervention, India was gone.

我记得当时在我们学校和印度其他大多数地方都设立了国防基金。这是由于陆军预算被德里的腐败政客扯掉了,可怜的士兵们没有温暖的衣服或装备。印度军队还在使用栓动式步枪! 印度被狠狠踢了一脚,导致尼赫鲁的死亡。如果不是美国的干预,印度已经消失了。

Elliott Covert
A very pertinent video for contemporary geopolitics between India and China. I would also note that this changed the long-term dynamics of China-Russia relations. I would disagree with the video insofar as it says that Pakistan's improved relationships with China "pulled it away from the West." The United States and Pakistan had pretty good relations throughout the Cold War, and Pakistan's relationship with China wasn't really an issue anymore after Nixon exploited the Sino-Soviet Split by achieving a detente with China. The US actually continued to support Pakistan during the 1971 Bangladesh War, while India supported the Bengali independence movement.

对于当代印度和中国之间的地缘政治,这是一个非常贴切的视频。我还想指出,这改变了中俄关系的长期动态。我不同意视频中所说的巴基斯坦与中国关系的改善 "使其远离西方"。美国和巴基斯坦在整个冷战期间关系相当好,在尼克松利用中苏分裂实现与中国的缓和之后,巴基斯坦与中国的关系实际上不再是一个问题。在1971年孟加拉国战争期间,美国实际上继续支持巴基斯坦,而印度则支持孟加拉的独立运动。

At this point, Pakistan and India are changing places. Pakistan's security relationship with China is pulling it towards the China-Russia bloc, while India is moving towards the American-led bloc in the emerging Cold War. But I wouldn't say that Pakistan "moved away from the West" during the Cold War per se.

在这一点上,巴基斯坦和印度正在改变位置。巴基斯坦与中国的安全关系将其拉向中俄集团,而印度则在新兴的冷战中走向美国主导的集团。但我不会说巴基斯坦在冷战期间本身就 "远离了西方"。

Tanyang Taker d-13
People who are blaming Nehru for weakness remember that before this conflict the main source of concern for India and Pakistan was military coup.Thus Nehru thought of reducing the military.


Guganesan S. Ilavarasan
The war with China put Nehru on his death bed, broken with betrayal- so much for 'India China Bhai Bhai'. I feel immensely emphatic reading through the last pages of his autobiography.


Dave A
Yes, interesting timing of these events coinciding with when the USA was busy with the "Cuban Missile Crisis".

是的,这些事件发生的时间与美国忙于 "古巴导弹危机 "的时间相吻合,很有意思。

Fahad Sultan
"It's true that the sun didn't even set on the British Empire, it's probably beacuse even God didn't trust the English in the dark." -- Dr Shashi Tharoor.

"大英帝国的太阳确实没有落下,这可能是因为连上帝都不相信黑暗中的英国人。" -- 沙希-塔鲁尔博士。

Liam Nixon
The origon of the border dispute is simple. When India was a British colony there were disagreements where the border should be; the British proposed a border that put all of the fuzzy areas between British India and China into India, but then proposed another line that did the opposite. Both sides didn't really care, so each side went with the line that gave them the most territory, and that went unchanged up to India's independence, thus causing the modern dispute. This British tactic of grabbing as much grey areas as possible for themselves was also used during the patition of Ireland after the Irish war of independence; in the extreme northeast of the island there was a majority of loyalist populations, while much of the rest of the island was pro independence, however, in between there was a mixture of both; the British took advantage and grabbed all the fuzzy areas for themselves during the partition of Ireland, however the mix of loyalists and nationalists caused Northern Ireland to become a violent area even before The Troubles.

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