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卡卡西里 2024-7-25 17:00:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
随着外国人和有外国血统的儿童的增多,有关种族歧视的争论和冲突也愈演愈烈。Hāfu(ハーフ,“一半”)是一个日语术语,用来指日本血统和非日本血统各占一半的人。该词借自英语,字面意思是 “一半”,指个人的非日本血统。



I still remember the time that a girl was forced to dye her hair black even though brown was the natural color, and she sued and won but they said that the school was not in the wrong.


Yeah so? My wife is japanese and has more brownish hair. She got trouble in highschool because they thought she dyed it brown. So what happened? Her mom went to school explaining it was her natural color and then the matter was settled.


what right has a high-school to tell students what colour their hair must be?


I'm Japanese, but the school rules are quite different from school to school. In my opinion, the dumber the school, the stricter the school rules. I went to the second smartest school in my hometown, but there were students who dyed their hair blonde and even pierced their ears.


The nature of evasiveness will devour Japanese society. Japan is not being able to deal with problems born in their society and now it has to deal with problems that are common outside of japan.


Discrimination in Japan does not occur only against foreigners. Even within Japan people in one region discriminate against people from other regions. Look up the rivalry between Yamaguchi Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture to see one example.


I find that modern Americans tend to have a very narrow view of what racism is. They tend to think it is just about outward appearance. The fact is, prejudice has been used by any group against any other group. 100 years ago, Italians, Irish, Polish, any Catholic were getting discriminated against in America by the English/Protestant majority.

我发现,现代美国人对种族主义的理解往往非常狭隘。他们往往认为这只是外在表现。事实上,任何群体都曾对任何其他群体使用过偏见。100 年前,在美国,意大利人、爱尔兰人、波兰人以及任何天主教徒都受到英国人/新教徒多数的歧视。

In East Asia, there is racism between different ethnic groups who look the same. To most people, those on either side of the Rwandan Genocide looked the same . If people don't understand what prejudice really is, it allows it to continue. And it is continuing, even within groups that profess to be more accepting. I see a lot of prejudice and intolerance among the far-left in America, and it seems to be growing.


My old company had to let go of a lady who refused to accept working with two other ladies from Thailand, calling them words i wont repeat, let's just say she sounded like fresh out of 1940...

我以前的公司不得不解雇一位女士,因为她拒绝接受与另外两位来自泰国的女士一起工作,她骂她们的话我就不重复了,只能说她听起来像是刚从 1940 年毕业的......

As an Asian foreigner during my yearly visits in Japan, blending in is the best thing until I open my mouth where some can be mildly xenophobic. Over time, I just feel indifferent about it.


I worked in Japan as a Japanese speaking non native White guy and got treated way better than my other non-Japanese Asian friends and colleagues in general. Japanese racism is 5 dimensional chest, the way Japan acts towards foreigners from non "cool" countries and neighboring Asian countries, well, let's just say that's why Japanese call themselves "NIPPON" Jin, and not, "Asia" Jin.

我作为一个日语非母语的白人在日本工作,受到的待遇比我的其他非日语亚洲朋友和同事要好得多。日本的种族主义是心胸狭窄,日本对待来自非 “酷”国家和亚洲邻国的外国人的方式,让我们这么说吧,这就是为什么日本人称自己为 “日本”人,而不是 “亚洲 ”人。

This is a growing sentiment everywhere. In Indonesia right now, there's a growing sentiment about Chinese nationals working here illegally. I'm against illegal worker, but the more chinese looking is feeling the hate as well - especially in rural areas.


Whos working there illegally? Chinese? Majority of indonesia were descended from chinese, most people changed their last name after suharnos purges, but majority of yall are still Chinese descent even if the last names have been changed


It's a bit different in Singapore. Chinese companies are muscling into your economy and slowly, into your entire culture and national functionings. I see Singaporeans learning Chinese, even admiring China. You don't see that in Japan


the ethnic ancestors of the Japanese are from the Korean mainland, does that mean they are Korean? The Indonesian peoples are a distinct and discrete culture, even if they share things with their forebears. England was taken by French Normans in 1066. Does that make me French?

日本人的祖先来自朝鲜本土,这是否意味着他们是朝鲜人?印度尼西亚人是一种独特而独立的文化,即使他们与其祖先共享一些东西。1066 年,法国诺曼人占领了英格兰。这是否意味着我是法国人?

Would I have been less English and more French if we were having this discussion in the year 1200? If yes, then all you need to do is wait and Indonesians will further develop their own unique elements. Unless you would prefer to force China onto them, to remind them of that ancestry and keep them subservient to Chinese forever, much like the Normans wanted to do with the Anglo-Saxons?

如果我们在 1200 年讨论这个问题,我是不是就不是英国人,而是法国人了?如果是,那么您需要做的就是等待,印尼人将进一步发展自己的独特元素。除非您更愿意把中国强加给他们,提醒他们祖先是中国人,让他们永远屈从于中国人,就像诺曼人想对盎格鲁-撒克逊人做的那样?

It’s looking harder and harder for Japan to make it, they bet on robotics but it didnt come true. You need people, and if your people are not making people because societal issues like over work, broken family values, and lack of opportunity, you’re sunk. No amount of migrant (not immigrants because you won’t allow them to stay and raise a family) labor will save you.


An ethnostate implies one group of people have always lived there. Japan has three different groups that have lived there, Ainu, ryukyan and Yamato (what is considered the modern Japanese). Since the Meiji era, Rykyuan and Ainu culture and language has been suppressed, only now slowly gaining recognition. So Japan has never been an ethnostate, at least 3 groups of people have resided there and three still do, since the beginning.


immigration isn't a bad thing, you just gotta take in those that actually like and respect the culture and can mesh into its society. A huge issue in the west is the mass unmitigated migration thats happening, where those people share no values or interests of culture with the areas they are going to. I don't want that for japan.


No if about it, it’s well documented. The whole homogeneous Japan myth stems largely from the Meiji era government, the emperor at the time had a one culture, one people, one state vision. He wanted to implement this not just in Japan itself but across the entire empire at the time, that included Korea and the other countries Japan had conquered.


That’s also why Japan also has a number of Zainichi Koreans that have been there for a few generations now. To be honest, had it not been for World War Two, Japan may have succeeded in completely erasing those cultures. The Ainu now are so few in number compared to Yamato Japanese in Hokkaido and the Ryukyuan language has so few native speakers due to Japanese suppression in schools. Although there are efforts now to revive both cultures.


Citizens by nature should be given full rights as they are citizens. If Japan doesn't want foreign immigration then don't allow foreign applications of citizenship.


The United States wrote the constitution of Japan, but I think the United States needs to send another constitution to Japan this time, including more protections for foreigners. Maybe give the Japanese a copy and paste of the bill of rights of the American constitution


Correct, they should be work permits and that's about it. And no chance to spread their culture. You are in japan then you adapt yourself to the japanese culture. Unlike what is happening to Europe that is becoming a muslim continent


Japan is beautiful and I want to keep her that way.So I hope we can invite the best and brightest foreigners here and that they should embrace Japanese culture and ways.Doesn't mean they can't bring some customs with them but they should predominantly act and become Japanese culturally.


100% agree. Japan has to avoid what Europe did at all cost.

100% 同意。日本必须不惜一切代价避免重蹈欧洲覆辙。

I have lived in Japan for almost 30 years. It has changed a lot during that time. We had to get fingerprinted at the local government office, and I remember getting an ATM card that only worked in the city I lived in (we weren' t told this) to name a few things. Symbiosis (共生) is an important concept in Japanese culture.

我在日本生活了近 30 年。在此期间,日本发生了很大变化。我们必须在当地政府办公室采集指纹,我还记得我拿到的 ATM 卡只能在我居住的城市使用(我们并没有被告知这一点),等等,不一而足。共生(Symbiosis)是日本文化中的一个重要概念。

Interesting, I lived in Japan thirty years ago (for 6 years) and recently went back for a holiday. Can you outline what the biggest changes have been because apart from things that have taken place worldwide, eg Mobile phones, internet, smoking ban, I didn't notice any great changes. Also, what exactly do you mean by 'symbiosis'? (I know you give the kanji, but I'm unfamiliar with it). Thanks.

我三十年前曾在日本生活过六年,最近回国度假。您能否概述一下最大的变化是什么,因为除了世界范围内发生的事情,如移动电话、互联网、禁烟令等,我没有注意到任何巨大的变化。另外,您说的 “共生”到底是什么意思?(我知道你给出了汉字,但我不熟悉)。谢谢!

Upon seeing the black guy reading a book in Kanji on the train, the old lady sitting next to him was shocked and commenting that it's so impressive he could read Kanji. That to me is a compliment! How does she know he's been living in Japan since he was 4 years old unless he offered the information?! How is that even construed as racism? smh

在火车上看到黑人用汉字看书时,坐在他旁边的老太太很震惊,说他能看懂汉字,太了不起了。在我看来,这是一种赞美!她怎么知道他从 4 岁起就生活在日本,除非是他提供的信息?这怎么能说是种族歧视呢?

The old lady did nothing wrong. In her experience, foreigners can, at best, speak a little Japanese, so of course she would be surprised to encounter a foreigner who can read Kanji. People are going to recognize patterns, and it's silly to condemn that for that.


I'm a Japanese American. The moment they knew I was American, the moment they saw the cultural difference, I felt the wall. Even at work, my boss kept telling me“If only you look Foreign”. This was 10 years ago .

我是日裔美国人。当他们知道我是美国人的那一刻,当他们看到文化差异的那一刻,我感觉到了隔阂。甚至在工作中,我的老板也一直对我说:“如果你看起来像外国人就好了”。这是 10 年前的事了。

When I said that's racism, he just laughed it off saying it's just the truth and I'm being sensitive. I tried real hard to blend in, I ended up being suicidal and a hikikomori, now back in US, and still being labeled as a foreigner. But at least in the US, they don't expect me to act a certain way and get disappointed.


I think Japan has fix mindset of having the same high level value, education, and habits. If you don't have them, something is wrong with you. Too much expectation, too much perfection is the reason why there's so much suicide in Japan. I hope they become more flexible in that sense…


that was wrong of them. Being Japanese is about the blood not culture.


This is a clue that whatever is going on in Japan is not really understandable as racism -- Japanese people also discriminate against ethnic Japanese people who are born abroad, even if they speak Japanese well. Racism is about race; but whatever is going on in Japan is simultaneously broader and more narrow. Trying to apply concepts used in (for example) the USA is just going to lead to profound confusion.

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