莫迪 3.0 能否击败德国?成为世界第三大经济体!

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卡卡西里 2024-7-18 16:30:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
时间是 1945 年。希特勒刚刚输掉了第二次世界大战,苏联、美国和英国接管了德国。战争夺走了 600 万德国人的生命,德国失业率居高不下,伯利恒和法兰克福等大城市遭到轰炸,德国 20% 的住房被毁。德国的货币状况如此糟糕,以至于人们用香烟代替德国货币!就像德国一样,1947 年,当英国人离开印度时,连印度也变得支离破碎。300万人死于孟加拉饥荒,200万人死于分治,80%的人口生活在贫困之中!

莫迪 3.0 能否击败德国?成为世界第三大经济体!

莫迪 3.0 能否击败德国?成为世界第三大经济体!

And in the next 70 years, while Germany went on to become the 3rd largest economy in the world, Modi ji has promised Indians that we will beat Germany to become the 3rd largest economy in the world!! But you know what?? We are far far away from Germany!!!

在接下来的 70 年里,当德国成为世界第三大经济体时,莫迪却向印度人承诺,我们将击败德国,成为世界第三大经济体!但是你知道吗?但你知道吗?我们离德国还差得很远!

Photo of Hitler and Modi Side by side with Caption "what we should learn from Germany".

希特勒和莫迪并排的照片,标题为 “我们应该向德国学习什么”?

Modi govt must realize this too, they seem to bring in Pakistan and compare and feel proud. We didn't go the Pakistan way because of our initial years of laying foundation stones of thousands of institutions. And yet Modi govt blames Nehru for everything. Indian politics is a sham, can't expect anything from them


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