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卡卡西里 2024-5-17 01:06:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
日本失去的十年,20 世纪 90 年代的日本遭受了历史上最严重的金融灾难之一。在本集节目中,我们将回顾日本大泡沫的形成和破灭,以及至今仍能看到的连锁反应。



One of the things tormented the youths in lost decades was that their own parents didn't believe their sons and daughters couldn't get a good job because of the economic downturn but because they just didn't work hard enough. Japanese society as a whole gave almost no help and left the majority of lost generation to jiko-sekinin (literally: Self responsibility, meaning: It is your own fault and not ours) state despite many stats showing their struggles comapared to their parents. What is interesting to me is that I feel lost generation is looming up in the states as well.

在失去的几十年里,令年轻人备受煎熬的一件事是,他们的父母并不认为自己的儿女找不到好工作是因为经济不景气,而是因为他们不够努力。整个日本社会几乎没有提供任何帮助,尽管有许多统计数字表明,与他们的父母相比,大多数失落的一代都处于 “自我负责”(字面意思是:这是你们自己的错,与我们无关)的状态。让我感到有趣的是,我觉得美国也正在出现 “迷失的一代”。

I remember seeing a comment about modern day america reflecting 1990's japan. Many young americans are struggling to hit important life events that were deemed important by american culture.Many young americans can't afford homes, struggling with the inflated prices, yet the stock market and real estate market remain near all time highs.

我记得曾看到过这样的评论:现代美国反映了1990 年代的日本。许多年轻的美国人都在为完成被美国文化视为重要的人生大事而奋斗。许多美国年轻人买不起房,在虚高的房价中挣扎,但股市和房地产市场仍然接近历史最高点。

Birth rates are declining, mental angst has been rising, a sense of hopelessness is filling the air. This channel has really made me understand how important economics is when it comes to shaping people. I always thought it was just business and numbers, but it dictates cultures.


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