中国与西方的竞争: 百年屈辱史 | 动画历史

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中国与西方的竞争: 百年屈辱史 | 动画历史

中国与西方的竞争: 百年屈辱史 | 动画历史

中国与西方的竞争: 百年屈辱史 | 动画历史

Yes it really is a good video and really covered that history well here and also there was an expedition in the Boxer rebellion that failed known as the Seymour expedition where their commander really thought they could defeat those Boxers with him and his force but it turned to a defeat and really is why it's 55 Days At Peking also made a movie based on that really for anyone check that out as well.

是的,这真的是一个很好的视频,很好地涵盖了这段历史,而且在义和团运动中有一次远征失败了,这次远征被称为西摩尔远征,他们的指挥官真的以为他们可以用他和他的部队打败义和团,但结果却失败了,这就是为什么会有 55 Days At Peking(《北京 55 天》),而且还根据这段历史拍了一部电影,任何人都可以去看看。

As a recovering heroin addict, I can tell you that opiate withdrawal is absolute hell on earth.. Obviously I've never smoked actual pure opium, only heroin (which comes from opium). You can't do anything when you're dope sick, let alone fight for your country., funnily I'm British, born in London, but moved to Hong Kong when I was 8 and grew up there for 13 years. So nice bit of irony there.

作为一名正在康复的海洛因成瘾者,我可以告诉你,戒断鸦片绝对是人间地狱。显然,我从来没有吸过真正的纯鸦片,只吸过海洛因(从鸦片中提取的)。毒瘾发作时,你什么都做不了,更不用说为国争光了。另外,有趣的是,我是英国人,出生在伦敦,但 8 岁时搬到了香港,并在那里长大了 13 年。这真是个讽刺。

Hm, feel bad for you, but the irony...


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