油管博主:美国为何向 103 个国家出售武器?

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卡卡西里 2024-5-5 00:35:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
油管博主:美国与超过 103 个国家的武器贸易是由经济利益、政治影响力以及私营公司对立法者的影响力驱动的。军火工业创造就业机会,产生巨额利润,并为了国家安全和经济利益而持续生产武器。

油管博主:美国为何向 103 个国家出售武器?

油管博主:美国为何向 103 个国家出售武器?

"You never lose at war when war is what you sell." - valravn corporation,


Being the worlds largest weapons dealer provides some benefits that aren't mentioned in this video:- the ability to withhold support/parts/etc over a country to keep them in line- ability to use money from other countries for r&d and driving down costs (f-35 is a great example)

作为世界上最大的武器交易商,有一些好处在这段视频中没有提到:有能力扣留对一个国家的支持/零部件等,使其保持一致。有能力将其他国家的资金用于研发并降低成本(f-35 就是一个很好的例子)

There are few downsides to selling weapons to other countries. They're just going to buy them elsewhere anyway, giving up the benefits for the us and providing those benefits to russia/china instead. The real decision is whether or not to sell advanced weapons that can't be obtained from a rival country. Those transactions provide the most benefit in influence/money/etc. Withholding them does have a cost too though, in relations and potential bolstering of competitor programs (imagine saudi arabia giving russia $30b for su-57s instead of the us f-35).

向其他国家出售武器几乎没有什么坏处。反正他们也会在其他地方购买,放弃美国的利益,转而将这些利益提供给俄罗斯/中国。真正的决定在于是否出售无法从对手国家获得的先进武器。这些交易能带来最大的影响力/金钱等利益。不过,不出售这些武器也要付出代价,比如在关系和潜在的竞争对手项目上(想象一下沙特阿拉伯给俄罗斯 300 亿美元购买苏-57 而不是美国的 f-35)。

In essence "We only create unrest, supply both sides (one unofficially) to make a dent in each other, buy cheap property, offer loans to rebuild. "


Selling weapons to promote peace is like having sex to promote virginity


By the way, may i also remind you the fact that our native american population in our motherland, the continent of america before the european colonizers arrived, was around 15 millions, while the european population in their motherland, the continent of europe was around 25 millions.today, native american population is 15 million, while the european population, in the continents of america + europe, is a staggering two billion! A shocking sad truth.  

顺便提一下,在欧洲殖民者到来之前,我们美洲原住民在我们的祖国美洲大陆的人口约为 1500 万,而欧洲人在他们的祖国欧洲大陆的人口约为 2500 万。今天,美洲原住民的人口为 1500 万,而欧洲人在美洲大陆和欧洲大陆的人口则达到了惊人的 20 亿!这是一个令人震惊的悲惨事实。

In my humble opinion, it's about time to decolonize the colonized lands, and return it to rightful owners native american people. Notorious global cardinal crimes the christian west has committed, and benefited a great deals, such as slavery & colonialism had long been over, why on earth is notorious colonization still lingering on, may i ask?


War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.


The romans had a saying “if you want peace. Prepare for war”


There's also the indirect involvement of money. Modern weapon systems are enormously expensive to research, develop and bring to production.companies seek to offset some of these costs by selling to parties other than the armed forces of their own country. Moral objections can be neutralised with "If we don't sell them, someone else will".

还有金钱的间接影响。现代武器系统的研究、开发和生产成本非常高昂。公司试图通过向本国武装部队以外的其他方销售来抵消部分成本。“我们不卖,别人也会卖 ”可以化解道德上的反对。

The funny thing, houthis or organozations on the other side of the coin produces weapons using homemade formula or sticks for drones yet enough deterrence for a million dollar missile.


This leaves out a big lever in my opinion - subsidizing the military industrial base of the us. Factories only make economic sense if they can produce a certain amount of stuff, and if we don't want that much of their stuff, we can keep the factory open by selling some of it to others. All the factories needed for an f35 for example don't even make sense at the us's scale, until you can export them.

在我看来,这忽略了一个重要的杠杆--补贴美国的军事工业基地。工厂只有在能够生产一定数量的产品时才具有经济意义,如果我们不需要那么多他们的产品,我们可以通过向他人出售部分产品来维持工厂的正常运转。例如,f35 战斗机所需的所有工厂在美国的规模下都没有意义,除非你能出口它们。

The author argues that unusual decisions about who to sell weapons to lead to the conclusion that the primary reason for arms contracts is not the safety of the citizens of your own and friendly countries, but money. For example, american weapons are used to fight opposite sides of conflicts. For example, turkey fights with american weapons in syria against rebels supported by the united states, who also in turn fight with american weapons.


That logic doesn't really work for me. So the us made $238 billion dollars on arms exports in 2023, while the us gdp is almost $27 trillion. I think the us economy wouldn't collapse if some or even all of the arms sales didn't take place. Sometimes to get allies before your adversaries (china, iran, dprk, putin's russia, etc.) get them, you have to turn a blind eye to their imperfections and cooperate with them.


But that's geopolitics. What about the shareholders of the arms companies? I should point out that the enormous profits from the arms trade are greatly exaggerated. Of the major arms manufacturers, only boeing #60 and that's because their main products are civilian and lockheed martin #62 (the world's largest arms manufacturer) are in the us top 100.

但这是地缘政治,那么军火公司的股东呢?我要指出的是,军火贸易的巨额利润被大大夸大了。在主要军火制造商中,只有第 60 位的波音公司和第 62 位的洛克希德-马丁公司(世界上最大的军火制造商)进入了美国前 100 强,这是因为它们的主要产品是民用产品。

Conclusion: If you really want to get rich as fast as possible, it's much smarter to invest in financial services, it, restaurant chains, etc. Than in weapons manufacturing. In doing so, you would avoid accusations of cannibalism from the leftist press. Perhaps there is also a non-material motive involved in your decision to manufacture and develop weapons. Perhaps you want the good guys to be more prepared for conflict than the bad guys.

结论:如果你真的想尽快致富,投资金融服务、it、连锁餐厅等比投资武器制造要明智得多。这样做可以避免左派媒体对你 “吃人”的指责。也许,你们决定制造和研发武器还涉及到一个非物质动机。也许,你们希望好人比坏人更有能力应对冲突。

There's a difference between the military industrial complex hyping up a threat that doesn't exist in order to sell weapons, vs supplying arms to countries that are actually facing an existential threat of an invasion.


I think an interesting point to look at here is also that weapon deals can create a lot of debt for the countriesthink about how long it will take ukraine to pay the war off or that greece for a long time was the only nato country who actually spent 2% of their gdp on weapons

我认为值得关注的一点是,武器交易也会给国家带来大量债务。想想乌克兰要花多长时间才能还清战争欠款,或者希腊在很长一段时间内是北约国家中唯一一个真正将国民生产总值的 2% 用于购买武器的国家。

You missed some of the other most important reasons for selling weapons.
1. The more we sell, the more affordable the platform for the us military.for instance the f35 program is dependent on our allies buying planes to lower the cost of the entire program.

1. 我们卖得越多,美国军方就越能负担得起这个平台,例如,f35项目就是依靠盟国购买飞机来降低整个项目的成本。

2. By keeping other companies dependent on us for weapons, we are preventing russia and china from supplies those weapons to the same countries, making those countries dependent on russia and china.  

2. 通过让其他公司在武器方面依赖我们,我们可以阻止俄罗斯和中国向同样的国家供应这些武器,从而使这些国家依赖俄罗斯和中国。

We are denying russia and china weapons sales.  
3.buy selling weapons platforms around the world, we create a worldwide inventory of parts and ammunition. This is useful when we need them and reduces the stockpile that is kept inside the us.


4.our security depends on keeping military factories running.if we have to go to war, we can’t then decide to start up factories, hire workers, and start producing weapons. These supply chains have to stay somewhat active. By supplying other countries, our military supply chains can stay “warm” And able to respond if we need them.

4. 我们的安全取决于军工厂的正常运转。如果我们不参战,我们就不能决定开办工厂、雇佣工人并开始生产武器。这些供应链必须保持一定的活跃度。通过向其他国家供货,我们的军事供应链可以保持 “温暖”,并在我们需要时做出反应。

I think you missed the mark in some catergories: Americans have a deeply ingrained belief in the right to defend themselves, and this attitude might contribute to the proliferation of weapons. While economic interests are undoubtedly a significant factor, it's also worth considering how the american perspective on self-defense might influence the spread of arms.


Question: Why do we sell weapons to other countries.... "To promote peace and security"No. It's to promote fear, intimidation and subjugation

问题:我们为什么向其他国家出售武器.... “促进和平与安全”不,是为了促进恐惧、恐吓和征服!

Us dont sell weapons to ph, just giving away antique weapons and have a "Say" On running the country's affairs in all aspects

美国不向菲律宾出售武器,只是赠送古董武器,并在管理国家事务的各个方面拥有 “发言权”。

Not only profit is at play here, but also if it's not the us, it would've been another country. The cat is out of the bag and weapons are needed. It's not like every country will agree to demilitarize and give up weapons altogether. So it also goes over the issue of who has control over the supply chain. If not the us, who?


Lord of war nicolas cage is the perfect movie to visually see the full system of this wepon selling


Maybe it would be easier to map out who the usa does not sell weapons too, and why


This video should be title "How america is complicit in nearly every war and genocide"...

这段视频的标题应该是 “美国如何成为几乎每场战争和种族灭绝的同谋”......

Forgot to mention major conflict of interest about the military industrial complex. It is the root cause of global instability and the underlying reason why the usa is in a perpetual state of war or has to start a war every decade. There would be no need for so much weapons with constant instability and a war here and there


Misses the important fact that having a strong weapons industry, while yes increasing the profits of them, ensures a strong and current arsenal which will allow the usa to defend itself. That is a huge motivator. Western nations must keep up, we utilise capitalism to do so. It won us two world wars over autocratic nations.


If the global arms trade is this “stabilizing” Force in the world, i’d hate to see what a destabilizing force is!

如果全球武器贸易是世界上的 “稳定”力量,我倒想看看破坏稳定的力量是什么!

Selling weapon to promote stability is like burning coals to stop global warming


What an irony worlds biggest so called peace and democracy seeker exports arms to maximum number of countries


The us isn't the only international weapons supplier.


If the us stopped providing weapons to these countries, wouldn’t some just go to another source (russia or china)? Wouldn’t that be worse?


Weapons have always been traded the problem is people. Even if the us stopped the pipeline someone else would fill that void.

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