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卡卡西里 2024-2-22 15:57:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Sw Lai
This Common Prosperity new Innovative Economic Principles from Gen Sec. Xi Jinping, may be applied to AFRICA and Latin America Countries and Rest-of-World and will eventually resolve all Wars and be recognized as the ultimate solution for resolution of World Hunger.  If all believe in it ??  Gen.Sec. Xi will be eventually nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize,  for his revolutionary creation,  formulating the "Common Prosperity" Economic Principles,  that would transform all Humanity and ManKind into a new era of  World Peace and World Prosperity, for well as disarmament of all Nuclear Weapons and the total destruction of all military arms and munitions.

习近平总书记提出的 "共同繁荣 "新经济原则,可以应用于非洲和拉丁美洲国家以及世界其他地区,最终将解决所有战争,并被认为是解决世界饥饿的最终方案。如果所有的人都相信它,那么习近平总书记将最终成为世界上最伟大的人。习近平总书记将最终被提名获得诺贝尔和平奖,因为他的革命性创造,制定了 "共同繁荣"经济原则,这将使全人类和人类进入世界和平和世界繁荣的新时代,为所有....,以及所有核武器的裁军和所有军事武器和弹药的彻底销毁。

Mike Lloyd
The rich are rich BECAUSE they steal wealth from those that created it….. “the workers”. THAT is the essence of capitalism.


John S
The world should be happy to what China reached up to lift 800 million proverty people up to middle class society.


George Fortune
In the West, donations to the church or will make the church more powerful to brainwashing and attracting to and dependent on religion, as the church leader control the how to use the fund for their own advantage,


Lionel Wong
Charity given by the rich in the US can be deceptive to people. If no regulations to prevent exploitation by the rich, they could squeeze 100 percent off from the people and make them poor but just giving back 0.01 percent of what they made from the society. Especially on housing, insurance and medical care, it's getting more and more expensive until it's beyond what people can afford. That's why there's increasing homeless population in the US. In western Europe, it's a combination of capitalism with socialism in the form of heavy taxation. This is not working out well because rich people are leaving the country or transfer their wealth out of the country. Working people are feeling dissatisfied with the heavy burden of taxation and supporting non working people.


China has a different approach. It can be seen in the poverty alleviation program. Instead of just giving out free money to the poor, they educate people to improve on their own. Education is top priority in poverty alleviation program. Next is the building of infrastructure in poor areas so that they are much connected to the outside world and able to market their produces. Also sending officials to poor villages , setting up cooperatives to help poor people to have a share in their development and the wealth from projects, allocating funds from the budget to assist the poor, etc, etc


These seem to be working on a large scale in a sustainable way instead of just giving money to the poor .
You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.” (Chinese proverb.)
Last year China's GDP per capita has reached about US $ 12,500, on the thresh hold being a rich income country according to World Bank.
By end of 2022 China's GDP per capita would likely be US $ 14,000 - fully a rich income nation.


Johnson Lee
The head of Bridgewater, the world's largest fund, suggested that the United States should learn from China's common prosperity in order to maintain economic prosperity.
Only a few wealthy and big companies consume limited food and clothing every day.


Ishak Shamsudin
Common prosperity to correct common poverty.Looks easy but really not straightforward.


Pui Cheng Yong
Common prosperity is the true indicator/ quality of Democracy


Brian Eggar
Meanwhile in the west all that is happening is the middle class is shrinking  and getting poorer.
Common prosperity is anathema to  any capitalist  society.


chester commons
I salute your knowledge and courage.
Very few people here in the United States has the knowledge and courage to admit the problems American has, only try to crush Chinese in the name of protecting minority race in Xinjiang.


Stephen Lock
Just like its poverty elevation programme which has, by any measure, is a great success; China is moving ahead with this next programme to have a more inclusive society.
Those who are either pessimistic about the programme or are just sinophobic about it are irrelevant to China. What it is doing to achieve common prosperity for its people is a lot better on those countries sitting on their butts doing nothing about their growing societal inequality but giving excuses or making empty promises. China will continue to move forward while others can sit around to criticise and condemn all they want.


Carl Hsin
Why so many people think of common prosperity they first think of ripping off the rich (the hard working people) and give it to the poor (the lazy people). The common prosperity can be asking the rich to slow down accumulating their wealth so the capital and resources can be redistributed to the disadvantaged people and give them more opportunities to become wealthier. So when the  bases of a society's wealth grows bigger, actually it is good for the rich (the elites) to have a more long term and sustainable growths.


Rosie S.
If the Chinese government focused on "poverty alleviation" and they have a remarkable track record in achieving it, it is not far fetched to think of "common prosperity" as the next step for the betterment of Chinese Society.  The concept of social good where introudcations of policy to narrow the gap between rich and poor is inherently unpalatable to capitalistic societies. That's all well and good, but let other countries like China design what will work for their 1.4 billion population.  Others should be open minded that there is no one size fits all solution for others!  Let them decide how they organize their society,

如果中国政府把重点放在 "扶贫"上,而且他们在实现扶贫方面有显著的成绩,那么把"共同富裕"作为改善中国社会的下一步,也不是很牵强。缩小贫富差距的政策内涵的社会公益概念,对资本主义社会来说本来就是不受欢迎的。这一切都很好,但让像中国这样的其他国家来设计对其14亿人口有用的东西。 其他人应该持开放的态度,没有一个适合其他人的解决方案!让他们自己决定如何组织他们的社会。

Buddy oo
Common Prosperity is very much a Confucius concept - society are organised where at the very foundation is the family, follow by the village, state, country and world. The concept is applicable at every stage of the society. For example if a poor, sick or weak member of a family can be taken care off by the other members within the family then it need not escalate to need help from the village and so on. In such society, the basic needs (food, clothings and shelter) for everyone are assured as the society's main endeavour is to ensure this is constantly and continually achieved. Now capitalist was born out of ending slavery by providing salary (aka Money) to workers. The view is that people will not work (hard) unless they are threaten or motivated or the idea of the capitalist is to control salary in order to control labors because the laborers will need the salary to pay for their needs. So what happen in a society where the basic needs of the people are pretty much assured and provided for? Will the people become lazy and no new inventions or innovations can be made? I am not sure for current or future society but in ancient Chinese society during Confucius time when the basic need of people are taken care off people still are motivated to achieve great innovation and inventions as can be observed from the ancient Taoist where they constantly and continually strife to achieve greatness to solve problems or to simply satisfy their own curiosity. The Taoist certainly did not do it because they want to be the richest person in the society - the motivation are different. The society during this era would live peacefully, harmoniously, happily with great cultural festivities and activities - this is probably the utopian moment China today is seeking to reestablish. Indeed the major festivals that the chinese celebrate today are really ancient inventions to bind the society together and form part and parcel of that utopian period.


Mike Russell
GINI index for china  in 2021 ( world Bank) was 38.5 USA was 41.2 so China is already more equal than US


Common prosperity, leads to a peaceful and safe society.


Adouadou Josmit
yes i see it to cause that’s wayy to be on the new world that’s coming to every country


Mr Teacher
Common Prosperity is a BRILLIANT strategy if China wants to move toward consumer driven economy.  
Fundamental problem with majority of benefits of economic growth being concentrated on a small minority of population like here in US is that total consumption volume of ultra-wealthy is extremely limited.  
They can only buy and/or use so many private jets, superyachts, supercars, mega-mansions, private space travel, etc. compared to common populace's volume of consumption if their standard of living is rising with economy unlike the situation here in US.


Kar Chi
Base on jealousy the western media twists what China is doing from good to bad. They don’t want their people know the truth. Actually they know what it is. As a result they can’t stop admiring, fear besides being jealous China.


Dawson Winter
From what I can see so far, there is no practice way to solve the income inequality in US. It always baffles me why CEOs get millions while people doing the real work get pay significantly less. I have witnessed CEO after CEO wracked companies after companies and still walked away with millions. And the pay inequality continues the tread, worse and worse.


Y Qisq
Yeah uniform distribution of wealth is bad as it doesn't allow any kind of flow, therefore nothing to drive the economy. It's an interesting maths fact that wealth will automatically become power-law distributed even if wealth is transferred randomly from people to people and it's simply the natural way. However, even power-law can take a range of forms - ranging from extremely skewed towards the rich or the poor. The optimal solution is to keep that natural power-law distribution in the middle range while eliminate the extreme-rich and extreme-poor.


Grace Antonio

中国正在不断发展,它已经把自己表现为社会主义,不再是共产主义。我相信它正在努力实现一个有意识的资本主义体系。这就是 "共同繁荣",它摆脱了滋生不平等的民主陷阱。愿上帝的智慧照亮和引导,祝福和激励,愿人类和世界各国实现和谐、和平和繁荣。谢谢你!

Ygus 30
China always pilot test a program before implement it nation wide. Crossing the river by touching the stone. No hurry, no worry.


zheidong zhang
This reminds me of an interesting point of view that all countries in the world will eventually develop towards the Indian model, that is, the superstructure is not responsible for the poor; the poor have no obligation to the superstructure. I think that resolving polarization is not only a problem facing China, but also a global problem. I really hope it can succeed. I must say that "common prosperity" is indeed the wish of my country's Confucian culture. But I think "xiaokang" is more likely to be realized. I really like you to describe this as a utopia in the Chinese people's mind. thank you

这让我想起一个有趣的观点,世界上所有国家最终都会向印度模式发展,即上层建筑不对穷人负责,穷人对上层建筑没有义务。我认为,解决两极分化问题不仅是中国面临的问题,也是一个全球性问题。我真的希望它能够成功。我必须说,"共同富裕 "确实是我国儒家文化的愿望。但我认为 "小康 "更有可能实现。我真的很喜欢你把这描述为中国人心目中的乌托邦。 谢谢你!

David Wei
It should never be “ The winner takes it all “ kind mentality when it comes to development of human society. There is enough resources to allow prosperity and dignity for everybody after all.

当涉及到人类社会的发展时,不应该是 "赢家通吃 "的心态。毕竟有足够的资源让每个人都能获得繁荣和尊严。

The western world knows the limitations of resources. And the west thinks their extravagant lifestyle will be in jeopardy if everyone gets a piece. That's why they're working so hard to sabotage China economically. It's because they don't want to compete for food and resources.  They don't want common prosperity. Just look at how the US treats it's own at the domestic level. That's how they are on an international scale.

西方世界知道资源的局限性。西方人认为,如果每个人都能分得一杯羹,他们奢侈的生活方式就会受到威胁。这就是为什么他们如此努力地在经济上破坏中国。这是因为他们不想争夺食物和资源。 他们不想要共同的繁荣。只要看看美国在国内是如何对待它自己的。他们在国际上也是这样的。
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