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夏雨 2024-3-3 22:32:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Philippines Offshore Gaming Operators, also known as Pogos, were meant to be a steady source of tax revenue for Manila. A significant portion of the industry caters to markets in China, while some serve Korean and Vietnamese gamblers. But for about seven years, Pogos have been linked to shocking criminal acts including human trafficking, kidnapping and brazen mid-day shootouts. Now lawmakers in the Philippines are pushing to outlaw the industry entirely. How did the online casino industry, which caters mostly to Chinese gamblers, get so dark and what’s next for a sector that experts say is rife with ongoing human rights abuses?

菲律宾离岸博彩运营商,又称 Pogos,本应成为马尼拉稳定的税收来源。该行业的很大一部分迎合了中国市场,还有一部分服务于韩国和越南赌客。但大约七年来,Pogos 一直与令人震惊的犯罪行为有关,包括贩卖人口、绑架和明目张胆的午间枪战。现在,菲律宾的立法者正在推动彻底取缔这一行业。主要迎合中国赌客的在线赌场行业是如何变得如此黑暗的?专家们说,这个行业充斥着持续的侵犯人权行为,它的下一步会是什么?

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