印媒:南海紧张局势,中国与菲律宾船只 "相撞" !

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夏雨 2024-8-20 12:21:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
印媒:中国国营广播公司中央电视台发布的录像显示了菲律宾海岸警卫队船只与中国船只在南海相撞的瞬间。视频的中文注释称,菲律宾船只 "突然转向 "并 "故意与中国船只相撞"。据报道,事件发生在周一。

印媒:南海紧张局势,中国与菲律宾船只 "相撞" !

印媒:南海紧张局势,中国与菲律宾船只 "相撞" !

There are no historical Chinese artifacts or ancient Chinese palaces found in those parts of the sea to prove Chinese inhabition—none! The only reason China is claiming the entire South China Sea is because of illogical and childish reasoning: that it's Chinese territory because their ancient Chinese ancestors fished there! What?


If we used the same logic, India could technically claim the entire Indian Ocean because, technically, ancient Indian fishermen fished there. The same applies to other seas and oceans in the world—countries whose ancient ancestors used to fish there could claim the entire sea. China is acting like a clown, with clownish logic.. Philippines claim is base of international maritime law its part of Philippines exclusive economic zones


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