中国抨击莫迪总理对台湾的回应,要求印度 “不要违反一个中国原则”!

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夏雨 2024-6-8 12:45:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中国对印度的外交和经济政策发起了两次直接攻击,从而引发了一场新的争论。第一次是关于印度总理纳伦德拉-莫迪在 2024 年印度大选结果公布后对台湾“总统”赖清德祝贺帖的回应。



In his response, PM Modi said he looks forward to closer ties with Taiwan. Beijing snapped at PM Modi's reply by asking India to "refrain from actions that violate the one-China principle". Despite not having any official diplomatic ties, New Delhi & Taipei have been working closely on areas like technology and economy.

莫迪总理在回复中表示,他期待与台湾建立更紧密的关系。北京对莫迪总理的回复表示不满,要求印度 “不要采取违反一个中国原则的行动”。尽管没有正式的外交关系,但新德里和台北一直在科技和经济等领域密切合作。

The second attack comes as tensions continue to mount between China and the West. Beijing is upset with the presence of Western cars on Indian roads, blaming the West of “overcapacity". Previously, the West has accused Beijing of oversupply of Chinese cars. How will the new Indian government counter the Chinese aggression? Palki Sharma tells you more.

第二次袭击发生在中国与西方关系持续紧张之际。北京对印度道路上出现西方汽车感到不满,指责西方 “产能过剩”。在此之前,西方曾指责中国汽车供过于求。印度新政府将如何反击中国的侵略?帕尔基-夏尔马为您详解。

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