朝鲜试验水下核无人机,警告美国“灾难性后果” | 朝鲜会与韩国开战吗?

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夏雨 2024-3-5 00:46:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

朝鲜试验水下核无人机,警告美国“灾难性后果” | 朝鲜会与韩国开战吗?

朝鲜试验水下核无人机,警告美国“灾难性后果” | 朝鲜会与韩国开战吗?

North Korea has tested another nuclear weapon system, an underwater attack drone called the "Haeil-5-23". It was tested in waters off the east coast to mark its protest against this week's joint military drills by South Korea, the U.S., and Japan. The weapons test comes after Kim Jong Un declared South Korea is number one enemy and threatened to go to war if he feels threatened.

朝鲜测试了另一种核武器系统,一种名为 "Haeil-5-23"的水下攻击无人机。该无人机在东海岸附近水域进行了测试,以示对韩国、美国和日本本周举行的联合军事演习的抗议。这次武器试验是在金正恩宣布韩国是头号敌人并威胁说如果他感到受到威胁就会开战之后进行的。

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