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夏雨 2024-2-25 14:43:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基 (Volodymyr Zelensky) 预计将于周三进行一次大胆的访问,在白宫会见拜登总统,并亲自在国会发表讲话。出于对泽连斯基先生安全的担忧而不愿透露姓名的官员警告说,这些计划不是最终计划,可能会发生变化。这种访问所涉及的风险——战时领导人自俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来首次离开他的国家——风险很高,而且任何此类努力都将严格保密。

乌克兰总统泽连斯基正在前往华盛顿与总统乔-拜登举行峰会,俄罗斯感到愤怒! ...

乌克兰总统泽连斯基正在前往华盛顿与总统乔-拜登举行峰会,俄罗斯感到愤怒! ...

LaTroy Oner
if a "winning ukraine" looks like a war torn place... i dont dare want to see what a losing ukraine looks like

如果一个 "胜利的乌克兰 "看起来像一个被战争蹂躏的地方......我不敢想看到一个失败的乌克兰看起来像什么?

I think he is going to support USA president in upcoming elections in USA


Rick Hyne
I have to ask if this marketing tour is meant to bolster American support for when this war lands on their soil?


From these comments, I see friendship between India and Russia is great!


pedro de la cruz
Putin go to belarus -- Zelensky to the USA what a game!!

普京去白俄罗斯 -- 泽连斯基去美国,这是什么游戏!!

Himangshu Guha
US is fully responsible for today's escalation of russia/Ukraine war..... instead of any peace initiative US continue to supply more and more weapons and financial aid. Don't understand how come EU supporting this strategy where their own people are suffering. EU should realise that US is always its own interest NOT for EU people. Thanks everyone


So if china claimed parts of northern India should India give it up so that peace and harmony would continue between countries. I mean it would be better for Indian people to not go after the second largest economy of the world right. why clash on tawang where there is possibility of bad relation and a chance of china harming India economically all for a small territory where very few people live.


The president of one country goes to visit the president of another country, happens all the time, what's the problem.


So Ukraine should agree for Russia to take part of their land for peace talk


The real question you should be asking is: What would the United States do, should Russia toppled the current Mexican Regime, then install a Pro-Russian puppet government; Mexico then joins a military alliance with Russia; Russia builds a military base inside Mexico, then deploys troops, long range missiles and other military assets near U.S. - Mexico Border?


Putin did everything to avoid this war. Here are just some of his initiatives:
• 2007 Warned NATO against eastward expansion and escalation of the military conflict.
• 2013 During the coup d'etat asked the President of Ukraine Yanukovch not to use force against protesters and not to declare a state of emergency.
• 2014 Proposed a plan to resolve the War in Donbas: Minsk Accord I.

• 2007年 警告北约不要东扩和军事冲突升级。
• 2013年 政变期间要求乌克兰总统亚努科夫不要对抗议者使用武力,不要宣布紧急状态。
• 2014年提出解决顿巴斯战争的计划:明斯克协议一。

• 2015 Supported the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier who proposed a special procedure for the entry into force of the law on the special status of Donbas provided for by the Minsk Agreements.
• 2015 Proposed to sign an additional agreement: Minsk Accord II, whereby the obligations of the parties to the conflict were spelled out in more detail.

• 2015年支持德国外长弗兰克-瓦尔特-施泰因迈尔,他提议为明斯克协议规定的顿巴斯特殊地位法的生效制定特别程序。
• 2015年 建议签署一个额外的协议。《明斯克协议二》,据此更详细地阐述了冲突各方的义务。

• 2017 Proposed to place a UN mission on the line of contact in Donbas to ensure the safety of employees of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission. At the same time, he did not rule out that such a mission could be located on the entire territory of the conflict, but with the consent of the proclaimed republics of Donbas.
• 2021 Warns NATO against unleashing a war and suggested discussing with the United States a draft treaty on security guarantees and an agreement on measures to ensure the security of Russia and NATO countries.

• 2017年 建议在顿巴斯的接触线上安排一个联合国特派团,以确保欧安组织特别监察团雇员的安全。同时,他不排除这种特派团可以设在冲突的整个领土上,但要征得顿巴斯已宣布成立的共和国的同意。
• 2021年警告北约不要发动战争,并建议与美国讨论关于安全保障的条约草案和关于确保俄罗斯和北约国家安全的措施的协议。

Yogesh Rao
It all started in 2012, it's all about Oil and Gas, the reserves of which were found near Crimea, up until then Ukraine was a Russian Vassal state, then the Obama admin took it up at the behest of all the western oil companies, in fact, Total was about to have contractual agreements, Biden's son made a lot of money amidst the negotiations, With this, the European Oil and Gas market which is around 500 billion dollars were set to go to the US & it's allies, they were trying hard actually, Obama envisaged the Gas pipeline to Europe from even Saudi via Syria and that's the reason US destroyed Syria as they're pro-Russia and will never agree to have a pipeline there.


Global warming is a sham and the West doesn't believe in it, they want to have cheap energy meanwhile lecturing others, even the Saudis believe in Global warming more than the West, and hence the reason they've opened up to the extent they changed all the draconian laws in their country.


So yes, Russia wants to maintain its market domination in Europe, that is the only way it can keep itself afloat, they're undergoing a decline in population and if their Economy gets's worse, Russia will seize to exist in a few decades, so that's about them.


As far as the US is concerned it's a greedy Hyena, the only way they keep their status is through wars for Dollar and Oil, People get surprised to learn that Tech is not even the top 3 sectors of the US, it is Oil, Pharma and Defence, their biggest threat is Russia and China combined, It is the sole reason all the US presidents will have similar behaviour when it comes to International politics, they don't care about the American people, they will intake any brilliant mind with Visas, that's how they've built their system.


India's situation is completely different, India isn't encroaching on others Land or Sovereignty unlike US, Russia or China, In today's world strength respects strength, India has already paid the price Ukraine is paying now in the past, and the lessons learnt are strong enough for us to be self-reliant to defend against China,


be assured India won't beg and plead like Ukraine or expect favours from countries it has been against in the past, THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE IS WRONG THAT RUSSIA IS AKIN TO CHINA AND INDIA IS AKIN TO UKRAINE, India is the 4th biggest military power in the world behind US, Russia and China and can hold onto any attempt of invasion, it has nuclear triad and a 1.4 bill strong population, it has strong legacies of winning multiple wars and had a huge role in the past world wars as well if there is world war 3, chances are more Indians will survive than anyone else in the world.

请放心,印度不会像乌克兰那样乞求和恳求,也不会指望从过去的对手国家那里得到好处,西方的观点是错误的,认为俄罗斯是中国的亲戚,印度是英国的亲戚,印度是世界上第四大军事强国,仅次于美国、俄罗斯和中国,可以抵御任何入侵的企图,它拥有核三合一和1. 4亿人口,它有赢得多场战争的强大遗产,并在过去的世界大战中发挥了巨大的作用,如果发生第三次世界大战,有可能有更多的印度人比世界上任何其他国家的人幸存下来。

Lord Jim Dorato
This recent escalation between china and India you might as well blame it to US .


Anlock Character
going to US is unnecessary . . . . unless . . . . he know he needed a new home

去美国是没有必要的。. . . 除非 . . . . 他知道他需要一个新家。

Comedian Zelensky wants a bigger platform


Rana R
A half-dead Brandon and a fifth-rate Comedian - that's an insane concoction!


Frank Toh
Zelensky is heading to the US for exile.


lutalo mbabazi
America itself needs help. Poverty is creeping in  by day due to involvement of endless wars around the globe. Zelensky is becoming a burden to the world.


Hunter Gameson
Breaking News: zalensky has just fled ukraine and is asking for asylum in america


Drey Kush
Aww the comedic puppet is off to see his sleepy dad


Kat Fureh
I smell a coup


well his wife was also on a shopping spree in Paris. i guess you can do some things while running a country in war times lol.


alexsosa 2886
Zelensky cries to papa Biden. Pls I need more money


Alexander Adlumn
A comedian and a Dementia patient making decisions over a war. That's scary

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